Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A head start!

It's a happy happy day today! After days of hinting and speculation, finally sat down to create my blog.

This blog is a personal diary and the thoughts documented here are strictly the author's personal opinion and may not be related to anything else. Further, the author's thoughts may change without notice or mention on the blog itself. Also, the author takes no responsibility of the contents of other websites/links mentioned on this blog.

Hope to hear from you all soon. Enjoy the rains and have fun!

“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.”
- Sergei Rachmaninov


  1. hi all, music makes the wheels of the world go round!!keep tuning in!!1

  2. Hello! hope your lives are being enriched with good music.

  3. Hello. The blog & Musical oats on it is inviting me to get back. Here I am!

  4. Hi. Enjoying the bliss of Music? 🎹🎤
